Big Hormone Enneagram
⚠️DISCLAIMER: This enneagram podcast contains highly charged elements. Contents may cause unexpected states of psychological depth and trigger unconventional insight. Listener discretion is advised. Hosted by John Luckovich, Emeka Okorafor, David Gray, Alexandra Arroyo-Acevedo
Sunday Dec 26, 2021
Sunday Dec 26, 2021
Sunday Dec 26, 2021
This week we’re getting into a mbti personality system called Objective Personality (OPS). We ended up doing a rough intro into the basic concepts of OPS, and how we might explore connections between cognitive functions and the enneagram.
— (10:16) What is the objective personality approach to MBTI?— (19:21) The function animals and how they work (Blast, Consume, Play, Sleep)— (23:55) Function animals are like instinct stacking (Info vs Energy)— (42:35) What are cognitive functions and how is a mbti type structured?— (48:40) Sensory vs Intuition— (51:26) Saviors vs Demons functions and animals. How to develop the blindspot— (1:08:21) Deciders vs Observers— (1:12:06) How to figure out your mbti type
If you haven’t already, go buy John’s book on amazon or barnesandnoble:
Call the Loveline with your comments and thoughts about the show at (323) 696-0647. Or you can also email with a pre-recorded voice message.
Sunday Dec 19, 2021
BHE 098 - so you’re still confused about your instincts [part 1]
Sunday Dec 19, 2021
Sunday Dec 19, 2021
This week we’re exploring and explaining the parts of instincts that continue to confuse and trip people up.
— (6:12) Where did the idea of a blindspot come from and is the blindspot really blind?— (14:27) Overestimating your sexual instinct when you’re sexual blind— (17:24) Sexual is penetrating and flipping polarities moment to moment— (23:26) How Nancy was able to see her sexual blindness as truly blind. Sexual as hooks and tension.— (30:46) Being self-pres dominant and also being terrible at self-pres— (41:08) How can I be a social type if I don’t like people? How social types are socialing— (51:06) Sexual types who don’t see themselves as sexual dominant
If you haven’t already, go buy John’s book on amazon or barnesandnoble:
Call the Loveline with your comments and thoughts about the show at (323) 696-0647 to be featured on our 100th episode. Or you can also email with a pre-recorded voice message.
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
BHE 097 - ATTACHMENT TO DISCONNECT [Bermuda Edition PART 2] - Courtney & Czander
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Continuing where we left off with Courtney and Czander and attachment to disconnect from the 3-6-9 Bermuda Triangle.
— (9:26) How does a good attachment form for attachment types if attaching is based on not being seen?— (17:13) 9s needing contrast and negation to find themselves and resisting being located— (22:52) Attachment types exist in shifting context, which makes them resistant to pinning down self-location and identity— (29:58) How 9s are open but ‘not there’ in their attachments, and how that gets in the way of relationships— (46:58) Courtney explains how a healthy attachment for a 6 helps affirm and trust her intuition— (53:50) Nancy explains how 3 shame helps her individuate— (57:10) Attachment types are listening and the hexad types are not— (1:06:02) Attachment types take their identity too seriously
Tune in this week to hear John and Emeka on the Enneagram Global Summit. Sign up with our links:
If you haven’t already, go buy John’s book on amazon or barnesandnoble:
Call the Loveline with your comments and thoughts about the show at (323) 696-0647 to be featured on our 100th episode. Or you can also email with a pre-recorded voice message.
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
BHE 096 - #NOTAN8
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
This week we're tackling type 8 misconceptions and misinformation that lead so many to mistype and idealize type 8.
— (10:26) Emeka’s overview of often overlooked aspects of the 8 type structure— (15:22) 8 is dissociating to reject and stay separate but involved by embodying the protecting function— (19:40) 8s are separate and expansive in ways that dehumanizes themselves and others— (23:18) 8 control is about setting boundaries and terms of engagement, not telling people what to do or being angry— (28:48) 6 and 9 superego’s trying to make type 8 into a good person with ‘protecting the underdog’. And what 8’s are really protective of— (40:53) The 8 journey is about learning to care about and make room for people and their humanity. How 8s can be so involved yet cut off— (51:33) 8s apologizing and experiencing remorse as a powerful tool for growth— (53:40) Real 8s are far less attached or invested in identifying with type as a badge of identity— (58:20) How to distinguish someone who has an 8 fix vs 1 or 9 fixers— (1:07:25) The dehumanization and idealization of type 8 in the enneagram world
Tune in to hear John and Emeka on the upcoming Enneagram Global Summit. Sign up with our links:
If you haven’t already, go buy John’s book on amazon or barnesandnoble:
Call the Loveline with your comments and thoughts about the show at (323) 696-0647 to be featured on our 100th episode. Or you can also email with a pre-recorded voice message.
Saturday Nov 20, 2021
BHE 095 - ATTACHMENT TO DISCONNECT [Bermuda Edition PART I] - Courtney & Czander
Saturday Nov 20, 2021
Saturday Nov 20, 2021
This week Courtney and Czander are with us to attempt to uncover the mysteries of attachment to disconnect from the 3-6-9 Bermuda Triangle.
— (13:30) Courtney’s take on how the 3 is committed to remaining slippery and disconnected— (17:02) 3’s maintain a disconnect by assuming people only want their palatable selves instead of their genuine selves— (26:59) The 3’s attachments are a prop for how their original caregivers defined value— (40:17) The crafted persona that the 3 presents will always be disconnected from the true self so the 3 never feels validated— (43:49) The 6 remains slippery because they’re trying to garner support from contradictory attachments— (48:34) 6s trying to garner support by being a hot mess and self-sabotaging to create a sense of disconnect— (53:54) 6s garnering support via attachment to being the underdog that won’t win but won’t give up— (56:16) The way 6s ensure they’re not supported is by never articulating what they want
Tune in to hear John and Emeka on the upcoming Enneagram Global Summit. Sign up with our links:
If you haven’t already, go buy John’s book on amazon or barnesandnoble:
Call the Loveline with your comments and thoughts about the show at (323) 696-0647 to be featured on our 100th episode. Or you can also email with a pre-recorded voice message.
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
We’re wrapping up our Bhavachakra instinct discussions riffing on David’s insights and odds & ends.
— (9:42) The Bhavachakra and Buddhism are a philosophy of psychology— (14:45) The scarcity of attraction for sx/sp compared to sx/so— (19:48) The ‘star’ principle of sx/so and how this appears in Egyptian cosmology — (25:57) The overarching message and takeaways DG wants you to get from the Bhavachakra’s instinct mandala — (32:12) Nancy’s take on the sp/so beast realm and existence revolving on having baseline needs met— (35:08) Contrasting sp/so and sp/sx with dogs and cats (again)— (45:17) The interesting numerology arising from the stackings overlapping with the types and how these overlaps show up in the collage exercise
If you haven’t already, go buy John’s book and leave a rating and/or review:
To be featured in the next loveline episode, call the Loveline with your comments and thoughts at (323) 696-0647. Or you can also email or DM one of us with a pre-recorded voice message.
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
BHE 093 - SO/SP & SO/SX - Alexandra & Joseph
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
We’re continuing our discussions on instincts, joined by Joseph and Alexandra, to get into the social stackings and DG’s insights with the Bhavachakra.
— (5:24) David’s intro to his SO/SX and SO/SP correlations on the Bhavachakra— (18:21) The social types weigh in on the contrasts between their stackings— (30:34) How so/sp experiences so/sx and vice versa— (48:46) How social dominants get triggered by social middles and finding ease with social-lasts— (1:08:58) The contrast in how the social stackings approach ideology and politics
If you haven’t already, go buy John’s book on amazon or barnesandnoble:
To be featured in the next loveline episode, call the Loveline with your comments and thoughts at (323) 696-0647. Or you can also email or DM one of us with a pre-recorded voice message.
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
BHE 092 - LOVELINE #5 // Instinctual Drives and the Enneagram Edition
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
This week we’re discussing and answering your submitted loveline questions on John’s instinct book.
— (3:21) What might it look like when a type is faced with a situation that exemplifies the loss of essential quality?— (22:10) A critique about John’s use of the word individuation and hormonal comments about his hotness— (31:18) How is the instinct stacking determined and why does one instinct become dominant over another?— (43:56) What is the distinction between the loss of self of sexual and spiritual dissolving of the ego?— (48:44) What does secondary self-pres for sx/sp look like for people who are bad at self-pres?— (52:03) Where to find the music used at the end of the upisodes?— (53:08) How to type each type and we read the energy of each type?— (56:51) How aspects of personality contribute to people getting along with each other?
If you haven’t already, go buy John’s book on amazon or barnesandnoble:
To be featured in the next loveline episode, call the Loveline with your comments and thoughts at (323) 696-0647. Or you can also email or DM one of us with a pre-recorded voice message.
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
BHE 091 - SX/SP & SX/SO - Beth
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
We’re continuing our discussions on instincts, joined by my bb Beth, to get into the sexual stackings and DG’s insights with the Bhavachakra.
— (6:39) David’s intro to his SX/SO and SX/SP correlations on the Bhavachakra— (14:35) Beth’s experience as a sx/so attachment type in contrast to social types and sx/sp— (26:21) What distinctly makes sx/so a sexual type— (35:30) Contrasting sx/so with so/sx— (49:54) Hungry ghosts (sx/sp) and Gods/Goddesses (sx/so)— (57:40) Personality and social genres as an attraction hook for sx/so
If you haven’t already, go buy John’s book on amazon or barnesandnoble:
Call the Loveline with your comments and thoughts about John’s book at (323) 696-0647 soon for a chance to win a prize. Or you can also email or DM one of us with a voice message.
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
BHE 090 - SP/SO & SP/SX
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
This week we’re continuing our discussions on instincts with a dive into the self-pres stackings and DG’s magical abstractions with the Bhavachakra.
— (3:47) Intro to SP/SO, SP/SX, and David’s instinct discoveries with the Bhavachakra— (11:32) What exactly is the Bhavachakra and how is it a map for the instincts and stackings?— (19:00) The 6 instinct stackings are real and the collage exercise is an aesthetic manifestation of them— (23:07) David’s discovery of how each instinct overlays the triangle on the enneagram symbol and each stacking on the hexad — (25:28) SP/SO correlating to type 8 and SP/SX to type 5— (31:47) The religion of SP/SO and every stacking is a lie— (39:01) Experiences and anecdotes of SP/SO and SP/SX— (53:53) Dogs (sp/so) vs cats (sp/sx)
If you haven’t already, go buy John’s book on amazon or barnesandnoble:
Call the Loveline with your comments and thoughts about John’s book at (323) 696-0647 soon for a chance to win a prize. Or you can also email or DM one of us with a voice message.