Big Hormone Enneagram
⚠️DISCLAIMER: This enneagram podcast contains highly charged elements. Contents may cause unexpected states of psychological depth and trigger unconventional insight. Listener discretion is advised. Hosted by John Luckovich, Emeka Okorafor, David Gray, Alexandra Arroyo-Acevedo

Friday Apr 23, 2021
BHE 069 - ‘TERRIBLE’ TWOS - Alex & Fay
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Friday Apr 23, 2021
This week we’re joined by two twos, Alex Giroux and Fay Willow, to unpack our negative bias against 2s. We attempt to atone for our sins. Forgive us for we shall sin again.
— (10:06) The collective shadow that type 2 represents culturally— (19:40) Emeka and John reacting to their mothers being 2s— (29:58) How Alex experiences her own neediness as a social blind 2— (38:00) 2s feeling like they have to offer something to justify their existence as rejection types— (43:40) How our 2s interpret the notion that their love is conditional and is giving to get— (53:27) The friction between 2s giving love and kindness vs their authentic preferences in the moment — (1:08:59) Fay and David’s intense conversation about allowing him to give hold space for her without her giving anything first— (1:19:53) 2s are formidable and not fragile or weak
It’s episode 69, give and you shall receive. Anonymously call the Loveline with with your type related kinks and sexual fantasies. The number is (323) 696-0647. Or you can email a voice note to

Friday Apr 02, 2021
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Friday Apr 02, 2021
This week we’re getting into the objective competency triad as we wrap up our series exploring the harmonic groups.
— (5:32) What makes a competency type competent?— (10:20) 3s needing parameters to gauge performance— (13:12) Nancy’s swirl as a Bermuda 3 from lack of parameters— (16:40) How Jesse got into university without a high school degree with 5 off-the-grid competency— (23:56) What are the competency types giving up if they indulged in positive or reactive stances?— (36:34) What gets a rise out of Jesse?— (40:08) How have our competency types been led astray by seeking competency?— (45:06) How does the forward progress of competency manifest in 5s?— (53:13) How forward progress competency manifests in type 1— (55:50) The over-assumption that all 3 competency types are making— (1:06:34) How competency shows up romantically— (1:19:29) How reactive types frame their romances

Thursday Mar 25, 2021
BHE 065 - BREATHWORK: Rebirth In The Zone
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
This week, after another heart-opening transformative meetup in the zone, we’re discussing our experiences with breathwork.
— (3:24) We recount a powerful spontaneous breathwork session in The Zone— (7:52) What is a breathwork session and how does it work?— (23:00) How processing and releasing trauma is like exorcising demons— (27:42) David’s breathwork session with John— (38:05) Emeka’s breathwork session with John— (47:58) Nancy feeling parts of her body function as they were intended after her breathwork session— (50:08) Resources and recommended breathworkers

Friday Mar 19, 2021
BHE 064 - TOXIC REACTIVE — Courtney Smith
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Friday Mar 19, 2021
This week we’re diving into the often negative reactive types as we continue our series exploring the harmonic groups.
— (3:42) What are the assumptions of the reactive type lens? — (6:06) How each harmonic group is disconnecting from the heart and presence— (13:52) Why do reactive types focus on the negative story behind things— (20:38) The story the competency type lens focuses on— (22:44) The contrast of reactive types in each center from John, Emeka, and Courtney— (43:10) How do David and Nancy experience reactive types— (49:55) How our reactive types relate to other reactive types— (59:26) The power dynamic in 8 reactivity — (1:09:00) 6’s head confusion and self-judgment around their reactivity

Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
BHE 063 - LOVELINE #3 // Undressing Archetypes & Bullsh*t
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
We’re back at it with another thirsty LoveLine Q/A episode.
— (2:22) What archetypes and myths do we each identify with and how does the shadow show up in relationships?— (33:16) Criticism that we could end up going off the rails with the potential for bullshit— (55:10) Trifix essential qualities— (59:49) How to tell the difference between an 8 with a 6 fix from a 6 with an 8 fix— (1:08:03) Is Countertype legit?
To be featured on the next LoveLine episode leave a voicemail at (323) 696-0647 or email in a pre-recorded voice note to

Thursday Mar 04, 2021
BHE 062 - BIG FLICK ENERGY: Silence Of The Manhunter
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
This week we’re diving into Manhunter and Silence of the lambs to explore the perspective of the image center as represented by these serial killers.
— (6:19) Overview/summary of Silence of the Lamb/Manhunter— (11:00) The Manhunter serial killer as a sexual 4— (27:24) Hannibal Lecter as a 3 and Clarice as a type 6 or 9— (37:24) Idealized androgyny as a form of self-transformation— (39:31) Lecter’s social 3 fancy boi sensibilities— (41:18) What it means for image types to try to be themselves— (45:26) The difference between the 3’s adaptability in identity vs the 4’s overly defined point of identity— (55:09) How Dolarhyde is an example of a very fixated 4 — (57:58) The core need behind the display of sexual types and how that gets in the way of a real relationship

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
This week we’re diving into the not so sunny positive outlook types as we start off a series exploring the harmonic groups.
— (8:05) What is the positive outlook harmonic group?— (13:53) How 9’s self-erasing makes them seem less positive than 2 and 7— (17:14) Why it’s named harmonics— (24:40) How positive outlook gets in the way of inner work— (31:12) The positive type premature expert— (33:08) The 9’s brand of know it all narcissism — (41:02) The negative shadow of positive types — (42:44) The dark side of 9— (47:01) The shadow of 7— (48:01) How David and Emeka experience their positive outlook influences— (56:04) The negative shadow of 2
![BHE 060 - DEVILS OF HEALTH [Part 2]](
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
We’re continuing where we left off to get more specific with how the average levels of health operate.
— (8:36) Everyone is at average levels of health— (16:34) What does it mean to be at Level 4?— (20:54) Type 4 at level 4— (23:48) Type 9 at level 4— (29:13) Type 3 at level 4— (33:56) The real difference between level 4 and level 3— (38:47) Type 8 at level 4— (47:00) The transition to level 5 from level 4— (55:16) How 9s compartmentalize conflict and disengage at level 5— (1:05:24) Level 6
![BHE 059 - DEVILS OF HEALTH [Part 1]](
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
This week we’re diving into the often misunderstood levels of health.
— (3:38) Health is not a measure of positive outcomes or attitudes— (7:32) History of the levels of health and what it means— (12:08) You don’t overcome your type as you go up the levels— (13:26) The shock between going from level 4 to level 3— (17:27) What it means to do inner work to liberate attention — (26:49) Just being aware of your type is not freedom from it— (33:18) Gurdjieff as a healthy 8 who wasn’t always a ‘good’ person— (38:42) Inner and outer considering— (42:06) David’s story about an experience of inner freedom— (48:22) Health as an experience of the divine through the higher centers— (59:05) Freedom from personality doesn’t always make you feel good— (1:01:08) Freedom/Health as ego deaths— (1:06:33) Awakeness represented in ancient Egypt as the union between Horus and Set

Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
BHE 058 - #NOTA5
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
As promised, this week we’re diving into the nuances of #nota5 in response to one of your voicemail questions.
— (3:46) Why people mistype as 5 and the common misconceptions— (9:28) The contrast between the intellectualism of 9 and 6 vs 5— (11:33) 5’s obscure discovery vs 6’s referential truth— (18:14) 6’s orientation to intellectual integrity — (26:30) 5s are not always smart or intellectual— (30:41) David and Emeka’s body type impressions of 5— (41:00) Queen’s Gambit as a fictional example of 5 detachment and disconnect— (43:06) 9s and 6s relating to the detachment of 5— (47:23) The pain and suffering of 5— (50:57) Famous examples of 5s and #nota5s (Einstein being a 9)— (1:00:24) 5’s inability to connect To have your question featured on a future episode leave us a voicemail at (323) 696-0647 or send a pre-recorded voice message to