Big Hormone Enneagram
⚠️DISCLAIMER: This enneagram podcast contains highly charged elements. Contents may cause unexpected states of psychological depth and trigger unconventional insight. Listener discretion is advised. Hosted by John Luckovich, Emeka Okorafor, David Gray, Alexandra Arroyo-Acevedo
Monday Oct 10, 2022
BHE 129 - KALI IN THE HOUSE [PART I] - Julie Harris
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Julie of Riverbend Coaching is here with us to explore the archetypal feminine.
— (6:48) Why and how Julie connected the archetypal feminine and the enneagram’s 3 centers— (9:04) The feminine in the body center — sacred form / the fertile matrix— (14:45) The feminine in nature is an uncontrollable force that gives life— (15:24) Could the goddesses be connected to the types?— (19:59) The patriarchy compartmentalizes and the goddesses can both be sexual and nurturing— (21:21) Developing the feminine: Being more in your senses and open to the experience / welcome the shadow / don’t seek certainty or stasis— (25:42) The patriarchy perpetuates a lack of being in touch with oneself and the natural cycles of the feminine— (33:19) The feminine invites you into the beauty of life in all the senses and the creation of new things— (36:52) How a linear directional point of view is applied to inner work vs the unfolding nature of allowing inner work to envelope your consciousness— (41:41) A short guided breath practice to experience the masculine and feminine— (49:41) Abundant heart — to be able to be fully with whatever’s happening and the threshold of what’s next— (54:30) There’s no growth in an unwounded life / the feminine welcomes the vulnerability of being wounded— (1:03:24) When we allow ourselves to experience grief it moves and ends up connecting us to what we love
Get John’s book on the instinctual drives on amazon or barnesandnoble:
DAA — Learn how to see with the eyes of the enneagram. Watch recent typing classes on 9 and 6 wings, dark 7s, rejection fixes. And get typed at
Buy David’s Trifix Booklet here:
Call the Loveline with your comments and thoughts about the show at (323) 696-0647. Or you can also email or DM us with a pre-recorded voice message
Friday Sep 30, 2022
BHE 128 - KILLING YOUR IDOLS - Alexandra
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Yes, Dive in.
— (1:40) Sx types and Sx middles are most prone to delude themselves into thinking they’re going for what they’re passionate about or self-transforming— (7:18) Social clout chasers with no genuine connection— (8:51) The psychological penetration of sexual can be used to get cheap ego hits that avoids any risk and self-transformation— (12:05) Discussions in John’s study group on using the instinct for ego vs using it to support the real needs of the body and inner life— (14:32) It’s not just attachment types that get into relationships for the wrong reasons— (20:04) You’re not missing out on what you think you are without sexual in the stacking— (24:31) It’s through our core type and dominant instinct that we approach the needs of our other instincts and centers— (27:02) There is no compatibility formula that works as a replacement for two humans meeting each other / how each instinct uses templates to create orientation to others— (35:06) We settle for nonsense because it’s difficult to risk having nothing while expecting more— (39:53) Separating eros from the sexual instinct / idealizing types is like looking through garbage to find something real— (59:06) You’re lame because you’re lame. Not because of your type, trifix, or instincts.— (1:05:06) People quitting the enneagram when their ego fixes are taken away / #nota4 filtering out those using the enneagram to validate their ego— (1:10:12) Fine tuned observation of the self and others is what a group centered on typing encourages / self-observation and misery as the gateway for self-work and change
Get John’s book on the instinctual drives on amazon or barnesandnoble:
DAA — Learn how to see with the dark arts of the enneagram. Watch recent typing classes on 9 and 6 wings, dark 7s, rejection fixes. And get typed at
Buy David’s Trifix Booklet here:
Call the Loveline with your comments and thoughts about the show at (323) 696-0647. Or you can also email or DM us with a pre-recorded voice message
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Picking up where we left off with Courtney and rejection.
— (1:46) The protection from vulnerability and transactional nature of relationships is true for all of us / But it’s more true for rejection types— (3:24) The different flavors of separateness and intensity of the rejection types— (8:21) How John and Courtney experience rejection in relationships as frustration and attachment types— (14:21) How rejection types can redefine their self-concept in less narrow terms by sensing the automatic wall in the body— (20:20) How to distinguish the not there-ness of rejection vs the not being there of 9— (23:20) Rejection type possession sweeps you up with intensity because it has such a small aperture of personhood— (27:38) How rejection types can work with the sensation of the wall and widen their sense of personhood— (34:34) Rejection types need to revisit vulnerable parts they have cut off in order to avoid becoming more fractional as time goes on— (41:08) Niklas’ interview with Josh and getting a 2’s perspective on rejection
Get John’s book on the instinctual drives on amazon or barnesandnoble:
DAA — Become fluent in the dark arts of the enneagram.Watch recent typing classes on 9 and 6 wings, Kurt Cobain, Courtney Love. And get typed at
Buy David’s Trifix Booklet here:
Call the Loveline with your comments and thoughts about the show at (323) 696-0647. Or you can also email or DM us with a pre-recorded voice message
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Courtney is with us this week to work her magic on rejection.
— (4:43) Courtney is here to bring the pain and hear rejection types suffer / What’s been opening up for Emeka?— (8:49) How rejection types set the dynamic up so it doesn’t work — a pre-rejection frame— (13:10) Courtney gives a recap/overview of object relations and why it matters— (15:02) Our O.R. is a blueprint for how relationships need to be setup in order for us to feel like a person— (16:24) What separates rejection from attachment & frustration is the cutting off from awareness of the original wound and preemptively shutting down the possibility of being touched there again— (22:44) You reject something by over-affirming and leaning into its opposite — (31:19) 8s seek out vulnerability and heartfulness in others not because it activates their heart, but because the dynamic reinforces what the 8 structure is already reinforcing— (36:29) Emeka realizing that as long as attraction is framed within the experience he’s activating then rejection can’t happen on the basis of heart to heart connection— (40:02) The rejection types are aware that their definition of personhood is a fraction of whole and therefore feel separate and unable to meet others fully— (42:22) Why do rejection types seek out relationships?— (47:36) Aloneness as a baseline for rejection types
Get John’s book on the instinctual drives on amazon or barnesandnoble:
DAA — Become fluent in the dark arts of enneagram typing.Watch recent typing classes on 9 and 6 wings, Kurt Cobain, Courtney Love. And get typed at
Buy David’s Trifix Booklet here:
Call the Loveline with your comments and thoughts about the show at (323) 696-0647. Or you can also email or DM us with a pre-recorded voice message
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
We’re bringing the pain to rejection types. How penetrating the other becomes the replacement for connection.
— (2:08) The penetration and leverage of rejection is a possession of the other— (4:25) Riffing on what sexual 8 possession really means / all the rejection types are doing possession through their centers— (11:06) Possessing the other becomes a replacement for the connection the rejection type assumes is not on the table— (13:46) Callback to soul intercourse and how that had a parental rejection dynamic for Emeka— (16:51) Rejection types are tracking how much it matters to you / tiers of penetration— (20:36) Rejection types needing someone who can get through their wall but tending to seek out those who allow them to reinforce a possession dynamic— (25:47) An attraction can feel really strong only because it’s reinforcing the type structure’s ego agenda— (29:09) 8s are forceful because they’re expanding on potent leverage points to rewrite an experience of something — (34:24) Rejection possession dynamics in Inception and There Will Be Blood— (42:04) How rejection types can let go of the story of being a cut off fractional person— (49:03) Language around instinctual approaches differing from the point of view of the centers / sexual instinct and competition— (51:33) Rejection types redefining the game and doubling down on it until the other doesn’t feel like they’re in a full relationship— (54:58) The insecurity of frustration types in getting their needs met — (58:19) The challenges of attaching to a rejection type / the assumption of being on the same page is what ensures a disconnect continues to arise and we adapt to each other
Sign up for free Fourth Way Gurdjieff talks organized by John’s group taking place on the 13th & 14th of September 7PM ET: Get John’s book on the instinctual drives on amazon or barnesandnoble:
DAA — Discover the dark arts of enneagram typing.Watch recent typing classes on Andrew Tate, Kurt Cobain, Anjelica Huston. And get typed at
Buy David’s Trifix Booklet here:
Call the Loveline with your comments and thoughts about the show at (323) 696-0647. Or you can also email or DM us with a pre-recorded voice message
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
BHE 124 - WE GIVE YOU 1-WINGS - Alexandra
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Ok, fine. Wings are back with Alexandra. For now.
— (1:47) Insights from Josh’s type 1 interview with Alex /Putting the gut back into the 1’s frustration — (8:15) Burning frustration and 9 vs 4 — (20:48) 1s are very rare / the distribution of types we’ve typed— (25:33) 1w9 keeps the ideal more in the abstract / 1w2 brings the ideal into people’s hearts and out into the world— (30:39) 1w2 is more of the stereotypical ‘reformer’ than 1w9 because of the rejection and pride of 2— (36:49) 1w2s are more singular in their motives, while 1w9s tap into the universal abstract of what the collective needs— (40:09) 1w9s lean into a symbolic perfection with the beingness of double gut / 1w2s seek perfection via implementing useful offerings that reflect an image center identity— (46:38) The leverage point orientation of the 2-wing means 1w2s seek to reform things with a singular dynamic changing initiative— (51:29) 1s gone wrong / 1s and 1-fixers dissociating with gut morality frustration— (53:11) All the gut types, including 1s, experience over-certainty in the body / John roasting the big dumb gut types— (1:00:20) 1s get themselves in trouble by doubling down on something right at the expense of the intelligence of the other centers
Sign up for free Fourth Way Gurdjieff talks organized by John’s group taking place on the 13th & 14th of September 7PM ET: Get John’s book on the instinctual drives on amazon or barnesandnoble:
DAA — Discover the dark arts of enneagram typing.Watch recent typing classes on Andrew Tate, Kurt Cobain, Anjelica Huston. And get typed at enneagrammer.com20% OFF -END OF SUMMER- DISCOUNT ON ALL ORDERS BEFORE SEPT 1ST:\/:USE CODE SMR22 DURING CHECKOUT
Buy David’s Trifix Booklet here:
Call the Loveline with your comments and thoughts about the show at (323) 696-0647. Or you can also email or DM us with a pre-recorded voice message
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
We’re continuing our discussions on rejection. This time with the Enneagrammer/DAA typing team riffing on some new insights.
— (6:22) Lever points and what being indispensable means to a rejection type / Joseph’s impression of feeling used by rejection types— (9:47) Emeka’s analogy of rejection types as limited persons born with missing limbs— (15:38) Frustration is in relation/reaction to an ideal, while rejection assumes a baseline of being cut off— (17:35) Rejection types see their offerings as transactional resources and indispensable commodities— (22:29) What’s necessary to get 8s is to understand how they control potent leverage points from the perspective of their dominant instinct / Emeka and enneagram typing as a potent leverage point— (26:25) What is the rejection affect and how are we noticing it in our typings?— (29:54) The difference between how a 5 is absent vs a 9 being absent— (31:22) How the cut-offness of rejection shows up in 2s — (35:40) Something is indispensable when it’s a necessary point in a process / the immovable sandbox metaphor— (39:57) Rejection types are measuring and testing to what degree their offerings are necessary to you— (44:32) The implications of not having rejection at play for Joseph and David— (56:06) Rejection types like Andrew Tate and Robert Greene gaining popularity by occupying power vacuums in the public consciousness
Sign up for free Fourth Way Gurdjieff talks organized by John’s group taking place on the 13th & 14th of September 7PM ET: Get John’s book on the instinctual drives on amazon or barnesandnoble:
DAA — Discover the dark arts of enneagram typing.Watch recent typing classes on Andrew Tate, Robert Greene, Marina Abramovic. And get typed at enneagrammer.com20% OFF -END OF SUMMER- DISCOUNT ON ALL ORDERS BEFORE SEPT 1ST:\/:USE CODE SMR22 DURING CHECKOUT
Buy David’s Trifix Booklet here:
Call the Loveline with your comments and thoughts about the show at (323) 696-0647. Or you can also email or DM us with a pre-recorded voice message
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
BHE 122 - THE MISSING PIECES [PART 2] - Alexandra
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
We’re back to explore more missing pieces blindspots. But first, Sophie joins us to discuss upcoming Fourth Way talks organized by her and John’s group.
— (29:43) Exploring various polarities and opposites— (36:43) John’s body last vs Alexandra’s heart last— (41:07) The difference between using a polarity to grow vs using someone to outsource the needs of a missing piece— (47:34) You must identify and become aware of the polarities at work in you so you can integrate those blindspots rather than outsourcing them externally— (51:38) Couples make unconscious agreements to maintain their opposite qualities to ensure they don’t have to integrate those blindspots— (58:26) The potency of an attraction is determined by the degrees of polarity— (1:03:25) Rejection types only making contact through one way parental dynamics and roles— (1:07:04) Emeka’s rejection sense of being untouchable as an 8
Sign up for free Fourth Way Gurdjieff talks organized by John’s group taking place on the 13th & 14th of September 7PM ET: Get John’s book on the instinctual drives on amazon or barnesandnoble:
DAA — Discover the dark arts of enneagram typing.Watch recent typing classes on Andrew Tate, Robert Greene, Marina Abramovic. And get typed at enneagrammer.com20% OFF -END OF SUMMER- DISCOUNT ON ALL ORDERS BEFORE SEPT 1ST:\/:USE CODE SMR22 DURING CHECKOUT
Buy David’s Trifix Booklet here:
Call the Loveline with your comments and thoughts about the show at (323) 696-0647. Or you can also email or DM us with a pre-recorded voice message
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
We’re penetrating the untouchables this week. Strap in for a meandering dive into what rejection types are really up to.
— (16:32) The rejection separateness in sexual 8 display /Rejection types having a fractional sense of personhood— (20:52) The micro-disengagements of rejection types / the intellectual intensity of 5s— (27:17) DG’s instinct overlap schema for each rejection type— (30:17) The psychic structure of rejection is shaped by penetration / why 2’s heart penetration feels so potent— (37:06) Self-pres independence vs rejection separateness / rejection dynamics in our families— (46:42) The cutting off of rejection is a retroactive amputation— (57:32) How micro-disengagement shows up in 2s — (1:05:48) Rejection types engage with controlling power dynamics— (1:18:54) Attachment has the most hope, frustration has medium hope, rejection sees hope as an extreme vulnurability Get John’s book on the instinctual drives on amazon or barnesandnoble:
DAA — Discover the dark arts of enneagram typing.Learn how to see and identify types in classes on Andrew Tate, Kurt Cobain, Marina Abramovic. And get typed at
Buy David’s Trifix Booklet here:
Call the Loveline with your comments and thoughts about the show at (323) 696-0647. Or you can also email or DM us with a pre-recorded voice message
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
BHE 120 - WE GIVE YOU 9-WINGS - Alexandra
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Wings are back with Alexandra. This week, the wings at the crown.
— (11:44) Overview riffs on nine wings / 9w8 is meaty— (18:01) The 8-wing gives 9w8 permission to be more dissociated and messy— (28:13) 9w1 has tension giving itself permission to relax / sensitive refined relaxation— (31:10) 9w1’s often mistype as 4 because of their frustrated refinement and fussiness — (36:00) The archetypal role of 9w8 and how rejection reinforces their 9ness / 9w8s are not angrier than 9w1s— (39:40) 9w1 tone police vs 9w8 cutting off— (42:53) 1-wing is idealist and philosophical — (46:54) How frustration and rejection facilitates attachment to disconnect— (57:33) The micro-aggressive warfare of 9w1 vs the provocative push of 9w8 If you haven’t already, go buy John’s book on amazon or barnesandnoble:
DAA — Discover the dark arts of enneagram typing.Learn how to see and identify types in classes on Andrew Tate, Robert Greene, Marina Abramovic. And get typed at
Buy David’s Trifix Booklet here:
Call the Loveline with your comments and thoughts about the show at (323) 696-0647. Or you can also email or DM us with a pre-recorded voice message